Kingdom of Shroom

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FUNGI | Kingdom of Shroom




The Shroomians follow three core values upon which their culture and lifestyle are built.

The Mycelium Virtues

  • Peace
  • Philantropy
  • Prosperity

Maintaining their integrity and goodwill is essential to the Shroomian people, hence great importance is placed on the strict adherance to the Mycelium Virtues. Only those that show great conviction to these values are allowed to enter the Guild, and only those who dedicate their livelihood to them may hope to attain higher ranks within the Shroomian hierarchy.

The lands of the Kingdom of Shroom are sacred to the Disciples of the Shroom, and are considered neutral grounds to those who step foot there.

Guilds of opposing nature who find themselves in the lands of FUNGI for political negotiations or the signage of treaties must do so under the promise of maintaining the laws of peace and tranquility which these warless grounds hold. Bloodshed in the name of war or battle on Shroomian Soil is the highest insult to the Shroomian culture and religion.

Hierarchy & Leadership


Political Relationships

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