Endorien Empire

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Revision as of 16:06, 16 August 2022 by HaloBearer (talk | contribs)
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The Endorien Empire, formerly ruled by Emperor HaloBearer, is amongst the first guilds to join the server and reach considerable playerbase.

All dates in this page follow the Endprien Calendar


In 488 EE Volantis, which acted as capital of the Endorien Empire up until the Age of Severance. After foundation and settling, military recruitment begun. Volantis grew with progressively enhanced docking capabilities and shared storage areas granting free resources to all guild members.

Some members decided to colonise away from the city, in the fear that other members would threaten their belongings and builds: the colony of Farshore was established.

Corsairs were recruited to run oversea missions, in order to push forward Endorien influence.